I don’t have a way to join an online convening. Can I still participate?

We have set aside funds to cover costs that may be associated with joining an online convening including purchasing a phone, data, etc.

Who can participate?

Anyone who is at least 15 years of age and currently residing in the United States. For this role, we are particularly interested in putting together a team of individuals who represent a diversity of perspectives both in their personal and professional experiences. We will be centering the voices of transgender, non-binary, gender-expansive and intersex individuals, as well as those that represent other intersectionally marginalized identities (BIPOC, folks with disabilities, sex workers, immigrants, etc.).

What does participation entail?

In addition to attending the sessions on April 29th and 30th over Zoom, each attendee will be asked to provide some feedback in preparation for the convening and on the resources produced afterward. Attendees will also be asked to share the resource platform with their networks so that we may reach as many TGE and intersex individuals and providers as possible.

How much of my time will this take?

No more than 10 hours over the course of a year. This includes both a total of four hours of virtual convening and additional correspondence through email and possible phone calls when necessary.


Will I be paid for my time?

Yes, participants will be compensated an average of $100. Individuals may opt-out of compensation to allocate more funds towards other attendees. In other words, if you wish to be paid, you will receive at least $100.