With community input, we have compiled the following online sexual and reproductive health resources for transgender, non-binary, gender-expansive, and intersex people. These resources include guides on safer-sex, personal stories of trans pregnancy and abortion, online communities, and more.
Click the tags below to browse the resources by topic.
And look out for the community stories banner to read personal stories.
The Hood Biologist
Dr. Shay-Akil McLean, Ph.D. (@Hood_Biologist) is a Queer Trans masculine & gender queer man racialized as Black, on stolen Indigenous land, an educator, organizer, writer, public intellectual, human biologist, anthropologist & sociologist.
Fucking Trans Women zine
FTW is a zine by trans women, about the sex lives of trans women. It is an educational and instructional tool as much as it is a creative exploration of how we have sex.
Autostraddle is a digital publication by and for lesbians and queer people including columns on everything from love and sex to identity to film.
Discord groups
These two discord groups provide community for trans individuals across the world. Many individuals share personal experiences around transition and additional resources.
IJP/PERIOD panel about intersex people and periods
In this panel, intersex individuals share their reflections on periods, the language used in sex ed and how to be more inclusive of intersex people.
Trans Fertility Co
This site includes mostly articles on different experiences of trans pregnancy. There are also trainings offered for providers around "trans birth for birth workers".
Sam's Medication Abortion Zine
This zine shares the personal story of a trans person who got a medication abortion and includes resources on medication abortion at the end.